
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Refrigerator Pickles

The Setting: A very welcome sunny day.

The Soundtrack: The Lion King. We have officially entered the Disney phase of child-rearing around here.

On the Stovetop: Chicken stock.

The Scenario: When I was growing up, one of the things I could pretty much always count on being the in fridge was a big bowl of vinegar cukes--cucumbers marinated in vinegar, generally with onion. Sometimes we'd add tomatoes and feta to make it more of a salad; sometimes we'd snack on it as-is.

These refrigerator pickles take vinegar cukes to the next level with loads of fresh garlic and dill. While my mom's cukes got peeled and chopped, this version gets thinly sliced and keeps the skins for that classic pickle look.

They're a perfect condiment for fried chicken, BBQ, sandwiches, or anything that needs a tangy, Southern accent.

Refrigerator Pickles
These pickles will last a while in the fridge. The longer you keep them, the stronger the flavor will become. For crisper pickles, eat them within the first few days.

2 1/2 cups cider vinegar, white vinegar, or a mix of the two
2 cups filtered water
2 tsp honey
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
dash (a couple drops or to taste) hot sauce
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill
4 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
1 med-large white onion, halved and very thinly sliced
1 large cucumber or 2-3 very small cucumbers, scrubbed and thinly sliced

Combine the first 10 ingredients (vinegar through onions) in a large bowl.

Place a layer of cucumbers in a 2-quart, seal-able container.

Spoon a layer of onions over the cucumbers.

Top with another layer of cucumbers and another layer of onions. Repeat until all the cucumbers have been used or until the container is almost full (leave about 1/2 inch at the top). Pour enough of the remaining vinegar mixture over the top to completely cover the onions and cucumbers.

Seal the container and refrigerate for at least two days for best results.

The pickles should keep stored this way for about two weeks.

Thanks for reading! Here's to Being the Secret Ingredient in your life.

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