
Monday, July 23, 2012

Watermelon Birthday Cake and an Ode to Oia

The Setting: A messy apartment, beginning to be packed...I can't believe it's almost time to move again!

The Soundtrack: Central air and I'll miss thee!

On the Stovetop: Quesadillas.

The Scenario: Celebrating Oia's first birthday with a watermelon cake and a poem.

I know this sounds a little hard-core, but when Oia was born I made a commitment to myself not to let her eat processed sweets at least until she was old enough to ask for them by name.

I don't plan to micro-manage every dietary choice she makes--I know that I can only make decisions for her for so long.

But I feel very strongly that as long as I am in control, as long as her nutrition is 100% in my hands, and as long as all she has a taste for is what I give her, I have to take that responsibility seriously.

Friends pleaded with me not to deprive her of the essential joys of that long-awaited first birthday cake. It was a decision I struggled with for a while.

But then I considered whose joy was really in jeopardy here.

I wouldn't get to exercise my cake-making skills; I wouldn't get to see Oia look silly with a face full of icing; I wouldn't have an excuse (as if I needed one) to stuff my own face with frosting.

In the end I determined the tradition of a one-year-old smashing cake in her face is an act appreciated mainly by those watching, not a biological desire of the one-year-old herself.

And, when I thought about it, it really wasn't something I cared to see.

So I came up with an idea to give us all the celebration with none of the guilt.

It's just as messy and delicious as a real cake, but good for you, too!

To Oia on her First Birthday

My tiny little angel
With honey-colored hair
Your smile is even sweeter
Than the tiny clothes you wear

My precious little monster
With eyes of indigo
Your giggles make me giddy
And set my heart aglow

My lovely little daughter
With dimples oh so deep
Your heart beats next to mine
When on my lap you sleep

I love your gentle nature
And your gentle kisses too
I love your funny faces
And the funny things you do

You've learned to play with blocks and books
Put on a hat and walk
I know it won't be long now
Till you really start to talk

It's so hard to believe
As we sing and dance and play
That I first saw your face
A year ago today

Happy birthday, my sweet Oia
Mommy loves you

Thanks for reading. Here's to Being the Secret Ingredient in your life!


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