
Monday, March 19, 2012


The Setting: Chirping birds, gentle's not an's spring!

The Soundtrack: The sounds of spring.

On the Stove-top: Spaghetti. 

The Scenario: Instead of the eight-hour trip back home to Nashville (our default) or the even longer drive up the Northeastern Coast (which was our original plan), Hoosband and I decided to spend his spring break from his master’s program checking out more of the local scenery.

Having visited the maple sugar farm in Indiana Dunes and the Amish country in Shipshewana over the weekend, we got up early on Tuesday to catch the train to Chicago…and watched it pull away right as we parked the car at the station.
Seems one of us (uh-hem, Weefay) was a little confused about the departure time.

Rather than concede defeat for the day, we hopped back in the sedan and set out for coastal Michigan.
We rolled into Holland, on coast of Lake Macatawa, just off the coast of Lake Michigan, around 10:30 a.m., in need of some coffee and a midmorning snack.

A latte, a cappuccino, and a shared everything bagel with hummus were in store for us at The Good Earth Café, where we plotted our next steps.
Strolling around downtown, we happened upon Fustini’s Oils and Vinegars, a Traverse City-based shop featuring--you guessed it—fine vinegars and oils.

We sampled flavored olive oils, single-variety extra-virgins, and specialty oils like walnut and toasted sesame (my favorites) before leaving with a bottle of white balsamic vinegar and making a mental note to come back soon.

We lingered over lunch at the highly enjoyable New Holland Brewing Co. as long as the baby would let us—appetizer, salads, and drinks, but no dessert. Check out Bifecta Finds for more on this must-try restaurant and brewery.
Adequately stuffed, we took a final stroll through town before jumping back in the car to go explore the coast.

At Holland State Park we walked along the pier, shot pictures of the Big Red Lighthouse, and admired the expansive beach before calling it a day and heading back to the Bend.

Stay tuned for fun with my Fustini’s find and more on the making of maple syrup!

Thanks for reading! Here’s to Being the Secret Ingredient in your life.

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