
Monday, March 12, 2012

Slow-Cooker Dulce de Leche

The Setting: Gorgeous day! We're talking stroller-out, take-the-baby-for-a-walk blue skies and tolerable temperatures.

The Soundtrack: House Hunters International.

Steaming up the Oven: Nothing...but we've got hot dogs on the Griddler!

The Scenario: Sometimes it's best to take things slowly...just not so slowly that they're forgotten.

I am obsessed with dulce de leche. I know, I've mentioned it before, but only recently did I become obsessed with making it work in the slow-cooker.

I was certain I had a fool-proof plan for flawless, clump-free dulce de leche.

....And I was just the fool to prove me wrong.

I am, however, a stubborn fool, and a Crock-Pot full of dog-food dulce de leche wasn't going to stand in my way.

So after a good scrub down of the slow-cooker, I set to it again.

And this time, I got it right.

Slow-Cooker Dulce de Leche
Two cans of sweetened condensed milk will make about 2 cups dulce de leche. Adjust cooking times as necessary for larger or smaller batches.

2 (14 oz) cans sweetened condensed milk
sea salt and/or vanilla (optional), to taste

Empty the cans of sweetened condensed milk into the slow-cooker. Set to low and cook with the lid ajar for 1 hour. Remove the lid completely, stir, set the slow-cooker to "keep warm," and continue warming for 3 hours or until amber-colored and caramelized, stirring occasionally. Add sea salt and/or vanilla if using.

Let cool. Transfer to an airtight container, and store in the fridge for up to three weeks.

Thanks for reading! Here's to Being the Secret Ingredient in your life.

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